Monday, August 11, 2014

News Curator: U.S. Welcomes Important Step in Iraq's Government Formation Process

The United States welcomes Iraqi President Fuad Masum’s charging of the nominee of the largest bloc in the Council of Representatives, Dr. Haider Al-Abadi, with the formation of a new government. This signifies the successful completion of the third step in Iraq’s constitutionally mandated government formation process, following the election of the Speaker of Parliament and the election of the President of the Republic in July.
The United States applauds President Masum’s fulfillment of his constitutional duties and urges the Prime Minister-designate to form a government that is representative of the Iraqi people and inclusive of Iraq’s religious and ethnic identities. The Prime-Minister designate should present the members of his proposed new government to the Council of Representatives consistent with Iraq’s constitutional timeline.
The United States will continue to support Iraq’s democratic process and stand with the Iraqi people in their fight against terrorism.

Read the press release here: U.S. State Department.

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