Wednesday, August 13, 2014

News Curator: Guide to Developments in Missouri Police Shooting

After an unarmed black teenager was shot by a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer, authorities have resisted calls to release the name of the officer while imploring protesters to keep their demonstrations calm and avoid new trouble in the city north of downtown St. Louis. Here's a look at the key elements of the shooting and the unrest that followed:

THE SHOOTING: Police have said the shooting happened after a scuffle between the officer and two men he encountered on the street. Police say one of the man pushed the officer into his squad car, then struggled with him in the vehicle, where the officer's gun went off. The struggle then spilled onto the street, where 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot multiple times. Police have not said whether Brown was the person who struggled with the officer in the car. Dorian Johnson, who says he was with Brown when the shooting happened, has told media outlets that the officer ordered them out of the street, then tried to open his door so close to the men that it "ricocheted" back, apparently upsetting the officer. Johnson says the officer grabbed his friend's neck, then tried to pull him into the car before brandishing his weapon and firing. He says Brown started to run and the officer pursued him, firing multiple times. Johnson and another witness both say Brown was on the street with his hands raised when the officer fired at him repeatedly.

Read the news here: ABC News

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