Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Summer Love

Back in highschool, I wrote a poem about “temporal love” and it goes:

Love is like a summer day,
It's tempestuous all the way;
Alas, fades with that summer gay.

I wrote the poem as a requirement for my English subject; little did I know, I will treasure those words right now. Little did I know, I am going to experience those lines – not once, but twice. And now here I am reading the lines again; recalling past flames. If it be a sin to stare at those images again, let it be that I am thrown to hell and suffer the punishment for such remembrance.

Love comes when you least expect it – or even when you are avoiding it. Irony at its best! And you cannot just ignore the growth of love; love grows even if you don't push for it and without you noticing it. Love in action is more than an action – it is a special movement of two destined hearts intertwined to enjoy for a moment or forever.

The trap of love is sure. The bait is always tempting; and nobody can even stand the luscious taste. All (allow my generalization) have walked the same road; have felt the intense magical touch of love; and have faced the dilemma of a lost love. That's what all share. Humanity.

But why do we love if assurance is rare? Let humanity speaks.

Loving brings happiness. It grows within the barriers of hearts; it forms a covalent bond between souls – a fiery furnace combining two materials. The reason of loving is to find sheer and fleeting joy beyond what solitude can give. The rarity of joy that can be found only in the arms of someone; the apex of smiles that can be reached only with the warm breath of kisses; the perpetual glories of staring the eyes of the one you love every morning – humanity speaks that love can bring us such emotions.

Let me recount the story of a little boy. As a little boy, he knew that when one is hurt, blood usually gushes out as a perfect illustration of pain. Getting a finger cut; getting some bruises after a fall – blood tells the pain. But when the boy grew, he realized that the most painful wound isn't always bloody. Sometimes, pains and aches are felt without any blood; but pain is deep within your heart – the hemorrhagic pain of love.

Losing somebody isn't easy. But we need to survive the feeling of losing. And surviving the wreck is everything. It is important to stand up after the fall. It is vital to survive. Afterall, “love fades with that summer gay”.

And when you rise up, a new day is waiting. A new love. A new flame. And the new one would even be better and greater. Grandeur. Far closer to your search. And dazzles of reality may bring you nearer to rest. All you need to do is stand up and look around. Love is not confined to with one person alone. The diversity and variety of love add color to the experience.

Les Miserables final song, “I Dreamed a Dream” resounds:
“He (She) slept the summer by my side;
he (she) filled my days with endless wonder,
he (she) took my childhood in his (her) stride
but he (she) was gone when autumn came.”

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Perspective of Happiness

You are a spot to the world. You have a special role in the cosmos. You are an amazing creature with a dedicated task to do. The chance to make things happen is in your hand. And you don't have the reason to cut your life short.

The greatest pursuit you will face is that of what you really love. You must embark to a search of what makes you happy. Some may find their spot at younger age; and may develop fondness with their passions. And some others have lived lives in wantonness and despair without real happiness. But sooner or later, each person will see their spot in the world; though, others... too late.

I pity the young who has spent life in great desperation of surreal happiness and satisfaction. I pity the young who disparaged over their education and learned nothing. I pity the young who doesn't know the real meaning of their learning. And I pity each life wasted. Thrown. Trodden. Death.

I pity the old who will soon die in vain. In death, all stories would be gone. All assets taken away. All luxuries humbled. And the question remains. How many lives are left? The meaning of life and death is carved on the impact you make on other lives. Have you left a legend?

You have a special place in the planet. You are an important creature. And you have the faculties to reach the apex of success. Within you lies the meaning of life. Within you lies the joy of living. But you need to strain your energy to dig what you have within. You need to know who you are. Who am I?

Courage is your best weapon and happiness is your best aid. Life comes in full circle. You need to grasp each moment. Begin. Act.

And if the rigor of the search makes you restless, rest in the sand. Listen to the wisdom of the wind. Hear the whisper of the waves. Feel the rhythm of he universe. Feel love in the gazes of a child. Understanding the world makes you happy. It will lead you to a vista of discovery. And sooner, you will know your role in the cosmos.

You need to love your passion. The role in the cosmos. The spot in the universe. Be adept in your passion. Live with it. And be proud, whatever the setting - let it be exalted or humbled. Get the brush and draw the canvass. Do not be afraid. Courage.

When life passes, let it be said, “You have lived your love”. You are a success. You have found your spot. You have played your role in the recital. You have impact some other lives. Lives that will live a times over. Lives marked with your heart. Lives shaped by your chisel.

Then, happiness will be mirrored in the sky.
