Thursday, April 16, 2015

Skaftafell Ice Cave, Iceland

This ice cave is located on the frozen lagoon of the Svinafellsjokun glacier in Skaftafell, Iceland. Ice caves are known to collapse easily so the safest time for you to be there is winter when it has hardened. Well, duh... it's an ice cave.

The glacier ice absorbs almost all visible light apart from the blue fraction which is what you'll see. It looks so pretty from the inside, I cannot wait to get there with my tripod and spoil someone else's picture.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Most Haunted Hotel in Great Britain

The Schooner Hotel, UK

Jolly Old England is host to one of the oldest and most haunted hotels in the world. King George III, as well as Charles Dickens, had stayed here over the course of its history, and it is still open for overnight guests today. But would you stay? The British Poltergeist Society has proclaimed it The Most Haunted Hotel in Great Britain. And there have been over 3,000 sightings in the past few years. If you do decide to stay there, you might want to avoid rooms 17 and 28, as grisly murders and ghostly apparitions seem to be as commonplace there as afternoon tea.

Most Amazing Saharan Oasis, Timia Oasis

Timia Oasis, Niger

Perhaps the most amazing Saharan Oasis, Timia Oasis is a bit of heaven on Earth for those who live their lives in the harshness of the Sahara desert of Africa. A great place to visit as well as an extraordinary option for those who wish to engage in a minimum of physical activity, since there are caves and rocks ready to get explored, as well as the flora and the faunas that live around this God made refugees.

Place to Go: Heaven on Earth

Shangrila Resort Skardu, also known as “Heaven on Earth”, is nestled amongst some of the world’s highest peaks. It encircles the heart shaped “Kachura Lake” and is surrounded by fruit laden orchards and flower filled gardens.



The strange and weirdly beautiful terraced pools of Pamukkale have been appreciated for over two millennia and yet still remain a little known wonder of the world. Thousands of years ago earthquakes, which are common in Turkey, created fractures that allowed powerful hot springs to bring water rich in calcium carbonate to the surface. As the water evaporated the chalky material condensed and formed layer-upon-layer of Travertine and thus slowly built up the walls over time in the same way that a stalactite forms in a cave. Apparently Pammakale means Castle of Cotton but the Greco-Romans built a town above it called Heirapolis – meaning “Holy City” or “Sacred City”. They too recognised it as a rare and important place attributing healing powers to the milky-white waters.



Mount Roraima is located on the triple border point between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. It is weird because of its shape, but is also mysterious because of the clouds that are always near the peak and the endemic fauna. The tabletop of the mountain, which is the peak actually, is considered as one of the world’s oldest geological formations. It is believed that the plateau was formed by water and winds, but the reason why some species can’t be found anywhere else remain mystery.

The Iguazu Waterfalls, Argentina-Brazil Border

The Iguazu Waterfalls, Argentina-Brazil Border

Heralded as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the Iguazu Waterfalls are a true wonder of nature. They are located at the border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. While the Argentinean side allows visitors to walk right around the water or explore the National Park, the Brazilian side is known for its panoramic views and splendor.